السبت، 4 أكتوبر 2014

The reality of tourism in Algeria

The characteristics of each country and its advantages, including whether it is gifted by God Almighty, such as location
Geographical and climate and terrain, or what is related to man-made, including the date and raised and civilizations
That increase the beauty of the country or degradation, and Algeria Conveniently and the wide area, unique
Viable natural, and urban, very distinctive, as sought by the Algerian authorities pattern of independence to exploit this
Possibilities and development.

1 - foundations and concerns Algerian tourism sector.

Algeria are among the countries that have characterized the nature of the place made ​​it a special attention of researchers and travelers
Arabs and the West, and this is confirmed by Dr. Abdullah Rkiba in his "Algeria in the eyes of travelers
HILTON: Englishmen "who said many of the travelers who visited the Algeria and wrote about, such as
In RVCBodlley 1920), as well as - in "his journey throughout the Aures (1912 Simson
In "The Book of Algeria for what they are," 63, and other MDStot "book Desert Wind" (1944), and
Western writers who disturb Algeria as a civilized and cultural mosaic and rare masterpiece.

A - elements of tourist attractions in Algeria

1 natural and geographical characteristics:
Algeria is located in the north of Africa, bordered to the north
Mediterranean coastline of 1300 km 2, and east of Tunisia and Libya, and all of the west
Morocco and Mauritania and the Western Sahara, and to the south of Niger, Mali, and Algeria is the second largest country in
The African continent in terms of area after Sudan, as it sits on an area of ​​2,381,471 km 2 and a population of
. (More than 35 million people

And we can distinguish in Algeria two distinct from each other and are:
- North area: the bench hill areas and plain areas, and areas are incidental rather than
Longitudinal, and are thus includes the most fertile land, and contain high mountains to plains
- South Desert: The nature of the desert three key qualities and is represented in
Plateaus floor and called Balhamadh and armor, and the second is concentrated in the veins and are race-west
Great race and great eastern and sweat gauze, and the nature of the third Hoggar.

2 historic properties and cultural:
The historical monuments and diverse civilizational unique
Algeria has made it the cradle of human civilization and a living witness to the Islamic affiliation of space, and the Mediterranean
African, Vmaalm museums and archaeological and historical documents in Algeria testify to the nobility and greatness of successive civilizations, from the Amazigh to Alvinfah to the Byzantine and Islamic Romania and finally,
Which imposed itself on history, and witness the castle built Hamada Bejaia, and has been classified by UNESCO
Archaeological sites in Algeria within the historic World Heritage List, as a Tasla and Tipaza and beautiful and
Timgad and valley gutter and Casbah.
It also turns out that cultural tourism and leisure, Tstqtaban a lot of interest in the selection of trends
Tourism, where the increasing demand for them, and in this regard, Algeria is characterized by the benefits that meet most applications
Tighter, thanks to the extension of the coastal areas of the coast to the desert and cultural heritage, which reflects the history of
The country in all its dimensions cultural.

The traditional industry and craft available to make Algeria more cultural tourism recovery
Especially in the summer season, so, the role of traditional industries to upgrade tourism as important
Enjoyed by the tourism sector in the development of the economy as a whole, young people's interest in these industries by
Events gives greater opportunity for tourists to discover these abilities and talents, and then definition of culture and
The civilization of the nation.

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